Hip Daddy

08 17

Hip Daddy Office: Bring Back The Nameplate.

Okay, so we have been working in open office environments for awhile now, and most of the companies we know and love all are still designed in a such a manner.  The days of employees having offices and cubicles is so far gone, at least from our perspective.  But one very awesome part of this type of office culture is the office nameplate.  Simply put, nameplates are kinda cool and make a statement…”this is my space, don’t mess with it, I’m the Man, and again, don’t f*ck with me or my space.”  Retro cool, like Hip Daddy Don Draper (ok, maybe not so much) and Mad Men.  But it’s 2016 now, so you don’t necessarily need an office persay to have your nameplate.  So, this one is pretty simple…

Every Hip Daddy needs this nameplate- “The Greatest Dad Who Ever Lived”.  You can find it in a variety of places online but we are huge fans of Sault New England, a men’s store in the South End of Boston, so buy it there 🙂

Make a statement, Hip Daddy.