Technology. We love it. A large portion of the Hip Daddy day is spent on some sort of app that makes our life easier, or some form of technology that aids the Hip Daddy at work, at home or at play. Below is our curated list of technology which Hip Daddy most def recommends.
You need more space. is an on-demand storage concierge service…smart and even smarter for all you urban Hip Daddys that might lack space. Never ending closet space, a garage in the city without having one, your stored belongings on your phone in your pocket…whatever floats your boat, every Hip Daddy needs some Cubiq.
Keep the kids safe. Canary is smart home security that every Hip Daddy household needs. Period.
Love noise. Sonos is bringing all sorts of amazing products to market that will help your home be all it can be, and more. Sonos will not let you down, that’s a Hip daddy Guarantee.
Need quiet. We still love Bose headphones (despite our friends at Beats and other legit competitors), and their noise canceling headphones are still the best #nodoubt.
And smart clothes help too. Kit + Ace is technical luxury that every Hip Daddy needs to check out. Oh, and it’s comfy and stylish too. Smart.
So there you have it, get technical this Father’s Day!