Hip Daddy

02 11

Today’s Hip Daddy Approved: The Roost Laptop Stand

Every Hip Daddy likes a successful Kickstarter story, and Roost has one for you…

The Roost Kickstarter campaign launched in June 2013, and connected with 2448 people who were looking to improve their relationship with their laptop.  Looking to raise $9300 to purchase the raw materials for the first small batch of Roosts, the campaign raised nearly $200,000 within 30 days.  And the rest is history….

If you are a Hip Daddy and use a laptop stand, then Roost is for you.  It not only looks good, but (more importantly) actually ‘works.’  It was designed by an engineer who was in search of a way to work comfortably from his laptop…hence the design was created and built (in lovely Denver no less.)

Great story, great design, great inspiration.  Roost has you (and your back) covered.