Hip Daddy

06 03

It’s Friday, Get Some John Deere In Your Life.

John Deere.  Such a great name.  Wikipedia calls him an ‘inventor’, and that sounds about right.  He helped create and inspire amazing equipment, for every Hip Daddy Household…well, at least for those of you suburban Hip Daddys (some of us urban Daddys just don’t have the ‘need’ for John Deere, ie. no yard!) Alas, this is one of those brands that you just can’t go wrong with, a true classic with a product line that backs it all up.  And you gotta love the yellow and green, such an identifier.

Do you remember your toy lawnmower that would mimic your Dad as he cut the grass? Yes, we do too.  Such basic memories but so deep.  Well, the lawnmower has seen some amazing evolution over the past decades and John Deere of course is leading the cause.  In fact, who knew they are now called “walk behind” mowers?  We did not, but I guess stating the obvious helps 🙂 The John Deere RUN series is kinda awesome and is most certainly Hip Daddy Approved.  A simple yet sleek design with some easy handling, this baby will cut that grass and edge that garden like no other, pure backyard domination folks! And for those with the extra big yard, a riding mower might be the need which means the x100 Series has you covered…and your child to ride along with (caution please.)  But we are old school when it comes to cutting the grass, and love a walk behind mower, no matter the size of the job! It’s a good workout, actually.

Summer is here.  The backyard wiffle ball games begin.  You need a nicely kept yard.  So get some John Deere in your life…a bold name and a bold mower…and great colors!