Hip Daddy

12 18

Gift Guide: Peloton.

New Year’s Resolutions are coming, and chances are every Hip Daddy needs some health and wellness ‘updates.’  And although we have been fans of the physical in-studio group fitness classes like a SoulCycle, Flywheel, Barrys, etc there is just no denying the Peloton movement.  We covered them early on when they were a young company with a cool bike, but now they are becoming uber popular and might eventually put the likes of a Soul outta business.  Really? Maybe.  They got the instructors, they got the riders, they got culture.  Sure, it’s a pretty penny but if you do the math (gym memberships + other classes), it just might be exactly what Hip Daddy nation needs in 2019.   Join the Peloton craze, now.  Your body will thank you.