Okay, so here at Hip Daddy HQ, we always hear about some new start-up that is attempting to do something magnificent with some sort of innovative technological platform…and other days, we hear about a start-up that isn’t rocket science but rather simply saw ‘a need’ and found a solution. Let’s talk about Drizly, a Boston based maker of an alcohol delivery mobile app which delivers to you…wait for it…alcohol.
A long day at the office? A long day with the kids? A long weekend full of playdates and birthday parties and soccer games? Yes, every Hip Daddy knows this story. And perhaps some of you are content with a nice tall glass of water, a nice long run or some yoga to calm the nerves, while others of you might just need a drink. But wait, you have no alcohol in the house (smart Hip Daddy btw.) So what do you do? That glass of wine or cold beer is far far away at this point. Enter Drizly. In a nutshell, users over age 21 can download the app to their iPhone, place an order and receive a delivery within about 30 minutes. It’s that simple. And yes, Drizly technology enables their delivery drivers to authenticate and validate IDs right at your door…(although this may not be an issue with most Hip Daddys, it is good to know for future purposes should any of your under age college kids try and pull a fast one…#justsayin.)
And given they have raised a smooth $7.3 million in funding to date, some people seem to believe in this concept. That said, it is still early in the game, and time will tell if this is something that is truly ‘needed.’ They are operational in Boston, LA, DC, Chicago and NYC…all cities where drinking is prevalent which means access to alcohol is pretty much available within a short walk (although they are expanding to the Suburbs which might just be their real ‘sweet spot‘…but don’t people in the ‘Burbs have like wine cellars and beer fridges in the garage???) Who knows. Nonetheless, it’s a simple concept. We like Simple. And it could be very convenient. We like convenience. Perhaps Drizly will overtake the world…like Amazon.com has…but not sure the Drones are capable of checking ID’s at this point…
At the end of the day, our Hip Daddy scenario exists. A long day and nothing in the house. Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters? No, you simply click on the app and off you go. Check them out, Drizly.com. Yet another start-up that you likely didn’t know about. Now you know.