Every Hip Daddy likes some kids sleepovers. They are fun. Kids are happy, entertained, nice, they listen, and overall, just ‘better’ kids. Oops…did we say that? Well it’s true. Invite a friend over for a sleepover and chances are your kids will behave like rockstars. That said, every Hip Daddy Household needs to be prepared for any and all sleepovers…
It’s starts with comfort. And that generally means sleeping bags! Even though you might have extra beds, every kid loves a sleeping bag and the floor always looks appealing for some reason…complete with extra pillows everywhere.
So it’s all about the sleeping bag. And look no further than Land of Nod. This Mission Control sleeping bag is comfy, totally cool and will leave any child sleeping and dreaming wonderfully…and may even take away any cries/pleas for mom or dad to come get them (no guarantees of course.) Everybody loves an astronaut too….#justsayin.
Sleepovers are fun for everyone involved. Get the right bag and let the good times roll and your child’s behavior shine!