Okay, so when the freezing temps subside and it’s ‘safe’ to go outside, let’s have some fun on that favorite neighborhood hill. And we know every Hip Daddy Household needs a good sled…
L.L. Bean makes more than a tote bag and a boot, they make an awesome toboggan sled too! This beauty is wonderfully crafted, simply a classic piece of art (if we may.) And the product has some inspiration behind it too…”Our traditional toboggan will bring back the thrill of those days when a foot of new-fallen snow meant a day of great sledding…Built the old-fashioned way from strong, steambent northern hardwood slats, screwed together for durability.” So it not only brings you a thrill, but will also stay in one piece, which we know is not always common amongst many sleds out there today. And let’s be honest, most toboggans looks badass on any sledding hill…like in a ‘watch out below, we are coming fast and not stopping’ kind of way. And every Hip Daddy loves to sled with his children…it’s kind of a winter rite of passage and def a part of Fatherhood 101. This toboggan will leave lots of smiles after a long day on the hill….Hip Daddy Approved.
January is Here. Snow is on it’s way. L.L. Bean has just what you need. Stay Warm.