Hip Daddy

06 03

A Hip Daddy X SoulCycle Boston Ride Event. Free. OMG.

Yes, that’s right…it’s finally here.  Hip Daddy has partnered with the awesome and beloved SoulCycle to create quite the Pre-Father’s Day event.  We are heading to SoulCycle Chestnut Hill on Saturday, June 14th at 2 PM for 45 minutes of pure fun, sweat and most definitely a Hip Daddy Approved Workout.  So, take some time for yourself one day before the ‘big day’, and come join Hip Daddy and SoulCycle for an event you will not want to miss.

Some details:

-It’s free.  Yep, that’s right.  No brainer?

-Although we would love for ‘Daddys’ to join us, we don’t discriminate…this event is open to all.  Just believe in the Hip Daddy mission of informing, empowering, entertaining and connecting Dads worldwide..and you are good by us.  Come one, come all.

See attached invitation for RSVP details.  Bikes are filling up fast!  It’s time for a little Soul in your life…