We’ve all been there. Trying to get our little ones to sleep is/was not an an easy task. Seriously. And when the children’s book “Go The F*Ck To Sleep” hit the shelves, it quickly became a best-seller…because it resonated big time with all parents worldwide. Not to mention the title is quite hilarious and one might easily gravitate toward it…and let’s be honest, it was probably used at one point in the Hip Daddy Household…maybe? Just Once? We won’t judge you. Hip Daddy Author Adam Mansbach was the man behind that beauty, and now he is back, with yet another one that will likely resonate just as much…
Again, we’ve all been there. Your child will not eat. No matter what you put on the plate, there is no budging. Or perhaps he or she will only eat one thing….like pasta…and only pasta (don’t even get us started on chicken nuggets.) It can be nerve wrecking. Fruits and vegetables? Not having any. Just one bite of that broccoli? Nope. How about some ground meat cut up really small? “No, gross.” Tofu? Forget it. Who knew that perfectly selected dinner table would cause so much stress? So yes, Adam’s sequel is very appropriately titled…“You Have To F*ing Eat.” And although it is not available until November (11/2), it’s nice to know it is coming…and somewhat comforting to know you are not alone in this matter!
Reading is a good thing. Children’s books that make you laugh and cry at the same time…are a good thing. So check out Hip Daddy author Adam Mansbach, read the first one and then look out for the sequel. You will likely relate! And yes, Adam is one funny Hip Daddy.