Hip Daddy

06 19

Kiwi Crate: Making The Awesome Playdate Possible.

The Playdate.  They can be fun, they can be nerve-wrecking.  Some are planned out to the minute, others are a free-for-all.  As a parent, we want it to be a ‘success’ for both our child and the visiting child…this way, everybody wins and the Hip Daddy Household can sleep well knowing the playdate was fruitful and likely to happen again- it’s an honor to have every kid in the neighborhood always wanting a playdate at your house…it says something.   And now a company by the name of Kiwi Crate is not only helping such playdates be even more awesome, but is also enabling and empowering easy play time.

Yes, the subscription retail boom is here.  Netflix, then Birchbox and now even Trunk Club (for the Hip Daddy of course) are bringing items to doorsteps and mailboxes nationwide.  And now there is a hands-on offering for the kids in the Hip Daddy Household!  Here’s how Kiwi Crate works….you sign up, you receive a ‘crate’ in the mail, the crate is filled with a fun kid’s project complete with materials (and instructions for parents), everyone plays, and once done, all are left smiling and asking for more.  It’s all very turnkey…and we like turnkey.  And side note, for those of you not yet ready to try out this whole retail subscription thing, Kiwi Crate can now be found in Target stores– a key Hip Daddy and Mommy stomping ground.

Kiwi Crate was created to celebrate kids’ natural creativity and curiosity…making it fun, easy, and delightful to spend time building, exploring and creating together.  The crates are themed which make it even more easy to select and understand what you are getting into (so to speak), the  “City Adventure” and “Space Hero” crates will be a hit in any household.  And yes, they do a mini crate version for all sort of party favor ideas.

So sign up for Kiwi Crate, schedule the next playdate, and simply open the crate and let the fun begin.  Hip Daddy Approved.

P.S.  ‘Playdate’ auto corrects to ‘playmate’ because technically play date should be two words.  Needless to say, tt was fun writing this column…thankfully we have good editors!