Hip Daddy

06 13

Owlet: The Baby Start-Up You Need To Know.

Sleep.  It does the body good.  And every Hip Daddy knows sleep might just be hard to come by when there is a baby in the household.   That’s right.  Been there, done that.  Sleepless nights, constantly checking on the baby, listening for sounds on the monitor, staring in the crib, worrying just because, you name it…sleep isn’t happening (for you.)  Well, you and we aren’t the only one’s who feel the pain.

Owlet is a Utah based start-up that is starting to turn heads when it comes to smart baby care.  Their Smart Sock put them on the map and for good reason.  The Smart Sock is like the ultimate in baby monitors, and will proactively notify you with lights and sound if oxygen or heart rate go outside of preset zones.  Hello peace of mind.  Hello sleep.  The company continues to advance, and launched a Connected Care platform which provides parents with more comprehensive data analysis and trends based on biometric information about their baby, including heart rate, oxygen levels, sleep trends and red notification history.  More parent empowering exciting products are on the horizon, and with an influx of a cool new $24Million in a Series B raise, watch out for Owlet!

Sleep.  And more sleep.  And comfort.  Always welcome with a newbie in the Hip Daddy Household.  we are rooting for Owlet, you should too.