Hip Daddy

05 08

Hip Mommy Jennifer Taylor Talks the Perfect Gifts.

Breakfast in bed? Yep, that’s on the list.  Today, Chi-town is in the house! That’s right.  Hip Mommy Jennifer Taylor has all Hip Daddys covered this Mother’s Day.  So please check out what this Chicago-based Freelance Writer & Domestic Engineer has to say…

How to Give the Perfect Mother’s Day to Your Hip Wife

Hip Daddy, are you struggling with what to get your wife for Mother’s Day? She may not be YOUR mother, but Hip Daddies show their wives just how much they love their baby mommas. After polling my Hip Mommies on what they think is the perfect Mother’s Day, I’ve broken it down into four categories of gifts. You know what she likes so tune into that. Don’t wait until Saturday May 9th to pop over to your local grocery store to buy flowers. The TIME and THOUGHT that goes into the gift is what mothers gush over. Plan ahead. You and the kids aren’t afterthoughts to her so making an effort that day will help her feel like she’s not one either.

The Gift of Service

A mother juggles quite a few balls in the air. Take a couple off her hands that day or ALL the balls for the “perfect” Mother’s Day. There is nothing sexier than a man doing dishes or making a meal. For some women, that is foreplay. Yes, I just went there. Believe me, my Hip Mommy friends and I have had this conversation. Don’t let her lift a finger that day! Help your kids bring her breakfast in bed, but AFTER you’ve let her sleep in. Other suggestions from my Mommy friends were detailing her car by hand from the hands that trash it every day. Make a flower bed to plant her favorite things. Get that imagination cranking.

The Gift of Mementos

This can range from handwritten cards to jewelry. Help your children list the things they love about her or the things they appreciate that Mom DOES for them. No mom will turn down words of heart-felt appreciation. Most Mommies love pictures too. Websites like Shutterfly makes it easy to put your photos into an album. Some Mommies LOVE their jewelry. Might I suggest a charm bracelet from Pandora. Each child can pick out a charm and it’s something you can add onto for other holidays. If she likes necklaces there are many places that sell pendants with your kid’s names on them. You can’t go wrong with sentimental mementos that have meaning.

The Gift of Sacrifice/Time

That word sacrifice might just make you want to skip to the next category, but give it a whirl. Mothers sacrifice a lot every single day so when this is returned, it is remembered. Do something SHE enjoys. If she likes to hike, do it. If she likes to see plays, do it. If she likes to antique shop, do it. But, do it with a smile and without complaint. The point is she is always going to sporting events, school functions and PTA meetings for OTHERS. Moms love spending TIME with the ones they love. Doing what she enjoys with the family she’s created is the ultimate equation. There’s some Hip Mommies who want the complete opposite and that is totally understandable. There is a commodity a lot of Moms are aching for… SLEEP! Let the woman get some of that. There’s a reason why you may not be getting lucky. She’s exhausted! Some Moms may need a time out so take the kids for a few hours or get a gift card from her favorite clothing store and let her shop. You know what mental state she is currently experiencing so choose family time or alone time for her.

The Gift of Pampering

I remember the days when my kids were little and I was lucky to get a shower and not smell like sour milk when my husband came home. I often felt like I looked like the “after” Hulk with tattered, stained clothes. Help her feel like the Beauty and not the Beast she might be feeling like from time to time. Give her a spa gift certificate. Check out spafinder.com to find a spa near you. She will feel rejuvenated and you’ll be happy to see the woman you married before she started molding people to go out into this world. Your mom molded you and she still may need to recoup from that.

For the Perfect Mother’s Day do something from ALL four categories. It’s a day to help your wife feel cherished, appreciated and adored. Hip Daddys, do these things not just for one day, but often. You had a part in making her a Mommy so show her just how much she rocks and is doing the most important job in the universe. After all, where would YOU be without a Mom? You wouldn’t BE!

Thank you Jennifer!