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Hip Daddy Travel: Top 5 Things To Do In Wyoming.
We love this state. Beautiful part of the country and home to some awesome Hip Daddys. Having just returned from there after an amazing July 4th vacation, we wanted to discuss the Cowboy State and those things we love to do while visiting. Enjoy and Cowboy Up…
1.) Horseback Ride in the Big Horn Mountains.
Riding a horse is powerful, and scarey at the same time. These animals are large and in charge, so best you hold on and stay alert, no riding and texting in Wyoming please. The Big Horns are a beautiful mountain range and make for great scenery and rides. We especially enjoy the ride at South Fork Ranch, or for those of you looking for a true Wyoming vacation, check out Paradise Guest Ranch…awesome place and program, especially for the kids!
2.) Go to a Rodeo.
Bulls, horses, cowboys, ropes, steer…you name it, attending an ‘old fashioned’ Wyoming rodeo is kinda awesome. There is something simple and raw about it, and the perfect escape. And yes, the people watching is #likenoother, seriously. Rodeos can make you feel alive, in a very good way.
3.) Watch Longmire…(and then go to the Longmire HQ.)
One of our top shows on Netflix, Walt Longmire is quite the Hip Daddy. Badass Cowboy Sheriff that makes everything look easy, can solve a crime in his sleep, and woos the woman in his western way. The show takes place in Wyoming and the smart minds of Buffalo, WY are capitalizing- they recently opened the Longmire Headquarters and also have an amazing experience called “Longmire Days”…a must see. Binge watch Longmire right about now!
4.) Shop at King’s Saddlery.
We’ve discussed this brand before straight outta Sheridan, it is a Wyoming staple selling anything form ropes to saddles to pretty fashionable baseball hats. It;s the type of brand you want to be associated with…strong, tough, manly…so yes, Hip Daddy Approved.
5.) Go For a Run.
There is something to be said about running in the ‘country’, on the back dirt roads at high altitudes. This is not your normal city, park, run 🙂 This is serene landscape where you might not even want any music to distract you from hearing your breathing, your shoes hitting the road, and perhaps a deer or two running in front of you. The Open Road makes for a good run. And we hear the running shoe, Hoka One, is quite popular in Wyoming…random piece of information but makes sense given terrain. #RunWYO.
Okay, so we left off Yellowstone and fly fishing because those are simply two rites of passage for any Wyoming trip. See some bears jump on your car and act like Brad Pitt in the movie “A River Runs Through it”…check the box. Alas, Wyoming is a must visit for any and all Hip Daddy summertime travel.
And check us on IG @Hipdaddy1 for more amazing pics from WYO!