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Hip Daddy Travel Necessity…Face Wipes.
Hip Daddy Grooming believes in a clean face, especially when traveling. And yes, there are all sorts of soaps and scrubs we like here, but sometimes, when you just want to keep it simple and quick, a wipe is the way to go. And we aren’t talking about baby wipes.
Ole Henriksen is dedicated to creating products that deliver results, enabling your skin to be the very best it can be. And their Clean Truth Cleansing Cloths are exactly what the Hip Daddy Dr. ordered. Perfect for all you Hip Daddy travelers or busy Dads on the go,”each cloth is a perfect pick me up with the truth collection’s signature citrus vanilla scent…strong enough to remove dirt, grime, but gentle enough not to over dry the skin.” They smell great, and yes, your face feels actually fresh after using them #forreal. Benefits include Vitamin C (brightens, lightens and tightens) as well as CoQ10 (boosts skin repair and regeneration, anti-oxidant) and Green Tea (inhibits collagen breakdown.) Enough said.
We use them, and love them…you should too. Keep it clean on the plane, in the uber, on the train, all around with Ole!