Hip Daddy

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Hip Daddy Hall Of Fame: Leica Camera.

Taking pictures of your kids is what you do when you are a parent.  Pretty simple, makes sense.  And with the advent of the iphone, the days of buying the latest Nikon, Canon or Leica are somewhat passe.  Alas, quality trumps convenience at times and there is nothing more beautiful than a photo taken by a Leica camera.

An amazing brand, Leica is German born (1914) and has over a 100 years of insightful history and storytelling.  And yes, Leica is indeed German engineering at its best (a la BMW) with “a passion and perfection for creating unique images” as its core value system.  From the S to the M to the Q, Leica has a model for every Hip Daddy and whatever need your household demands.  Yes, these are somewhat expensive cameras, but #wellworthit #nodoubt.  Just think, you are investing in your kids, and capturing some beautiful photography as they grow up, and we know every Hip Daddy can appreciate this thinking :).

The Hip Daddy Hall of Fame nod is not an easy one, so believe it when we tell you, Leica is Hip Daddy Approved.