Now, belts aren’t exactly a Hip Daddy wardrobe necessity for Summertime, but you do need 1-2 in the closet. Likely a more formal one for the suit (assuming you have at least one ‘dressed-up’ event to attend), and then another for the casual short day or just something to add a little pop. But that’s about it…we don’t like to tuck in much during the warm weather months and prefer a casual, comfy waistline. Anyhoo, let’s talk belts.
The Mission Belt Company is straight outta Utah (yep, that’s right…home of the Mormons and the Utes) and is bringing some purpose and inspiration to the world of belts. The company’s mission goes something like this: “When you buy a Mission Belt you become a part of a great philanthropic effort…a dollar from every belt goes to fight hunger and poverty worldwide through micro-lending. These micro-loans range from $25-$500 dollars per loan. Small loans make HUGE differences. There are millions of industrious, motivated people striving and fighting for a better life and sometimes the only thing holding them back is a little capital to get started. It’s a hand up, not a hand out.” Interesting model, very cool. So yes, they not only want you to look good, but also feel good when wearing their belt- in more ways than one. As for the product, simple design, and we are liking the Yank (which comes in an awesome blue) and the orange Fugitive, a no-brainer for some summertime flash! Nice names overall, that must have been an interesting product naming brainstorm session #nodoubt.
Well done Mission Belt Company. Well done.