Hip Daddy

05 09

Today’s Hip Daddy Approved: Marine Layer

Yes, we love San Francisco.  We lived there once, and it is still our top city, we miss it.  Not to mention all our Hip Daddy friends as well as our growing Hip Daddy fan base! A very creative, innovative and plain beautiful city, San Fran always has something for you.  And yes, it’s Monday, so let’s talk style and fashion…

Nob Hill is a magnificent neighborhood.  A true Bay area gem.  And found within this beautiful space is an awesome lifestyle apparel company called, quire perfectly, Marine Layer.  Fabric obsessed, Marine Layer makes “the highest quality product possible, in the most responsible way.”  From tees to button downs to swim to outerwear, ML produces most of its’ line in San Francisco & Los Angeles (makes sense) which means they are real close to their product, and you can tell.  There is a passion to this brand which you can see in the designs, in their words, in their overall brand look and feel.  So nicely done Marine Layer team.  In terms of the product itself, we are loving their tees, of course.  The 3 for $100 is perfect for very Hip Daddy looking for some variety, while the Sherpa Afternoon hoodie is a #nobrainer.

Similar to our obsession with the likes of Surfside Supply Company, Marine Layer could be next.  Nonetheless, Marine Layer is straight outta Nob Hill SF and is most certainly Hip Daddy Approved.