Love, love, love this one. John Varvatos is an amazing men’s designer, and we especially loved his collaboration with Converse (which Hip Daddy helped develop :)) He just knows what’s up, #plainandsimple.
We’ve been on the lookout for the perfect Summer sportcoat, and given our fascination with camoflauge, a camo sportcoat was all our eyes were peeled for. And then it happened. Strolling down Lincoln Road in Miami, the John Varvatos store is ofcourse a Hip Daddy must visit, so we enter. Looking thru the racks (Star USA line is excellent too) and there it is…a true beauty. It pops, it is so damn good looking, it’s a must purchase, no thinking it over whatsoever. The possibilities for this jacket are endless…and we will put it to good use, see where and how on the Hip Daddy IG.
Thanks again John, amazing product and stylish design for every Hip Daddy.