The Cool Factor. Some brands have it, many do not. Some try too hard to be oh so cool, while others don’t try at all and they simply are. Cool. Warby Parker is kind of cool because of their well designed glasses and overall quirky yet stylish ethos. Vans is cool because, well, they are Vans. Casper is kind of cool because their name is awesome, and yes, they disrupt. Shinola is cool because Detroit is cool…heart, culture, and grit…but all so beautifully crafted. Netlfix is cool because ‘they get you’, personalized, and yes, Ozarks and BloodLine are damn cool. And how about a brand like Panera…what makes them cool? Transparency, that’s what.
In today’s culture, being transparent is cool. And with their 100% Clean crusade embodied in their “Food As It Should Be” platform, Panera is just that. And given their latest move around eggs and a larger vision of giving due respect to that thing we call breakfast, the cool factor continues. Now…onto the eggs.
Every Hip Daddy loves a good breakfast, and even better, every Hip Daddy enjoys sitting around the table with the family and enjoying a delicious egg sandwich. But what if that egg in that sandwich isn’t exactly an egg? Hip Daddy say what? Yes, it’s true, that egg might just not be a real egg…all according to Panera and their new petition to the FDA to better define eggs. Our friends at Good Morning America sum it all up nicely here, so watch now.
Now don’t feel bad Hip Daddy, you didn’t know. But now you do. So next time you and the fam want a yummy egg sandwich, skip the Dunkin and McD’s, and head straight to Panera #itsthatsimple.
Thank you Panera. Transparency is cool. Now #RespectBreakfast and go get that over easy egg right about now…