Hip Daddy

01 23

Raising Boys? Read These.

Knowledge is a good thing.  And when it comes to parenting, knowledge is a really good thing.  It ain’t easy, simply put.  And often times, there is no “right answer” and this can be a bit stressful.  And Hip Daddy don’t like stress 🙂  Parenting is complex and seeking ‘help’ in various forms is one natural answer. Read a book….it’s a good start.  And to make matters even more interesting, raising boys can take on a whole other level of knowledge.  So for those fortunate enough to have some little young men running around the Hip Daddy Household, we recommend a couple good reads below.

Bringing Up Boys is a Hip Daddy Favorite and we highly recommend it.  Author Dr. James Dobson is one of the nation’s most trusted parenting authority, and this book inspires you and keeps it simple, while still throwing down some logic and love.  We felt better about being a Dad after reading it…and that’s kinda awesome.  And for you Hip Daddys with some older boys in the house, look no further than Dr. Tim Hawkes and his Ten Conversations You Must Have with Your Son book.  The Chicago Tribune deemed it “If Robin Williams’ “Dead Poets Society” character wrote a book, it would be this”…and that is pretty easy to understand and get behind!

Reading is a good thing, and when it comes to parenting and raising boys, you will need all the help you can get…but in a good way :).  Just remember to breathe…a lot…Hip Daddy.