You like food? You like restaurants? We do too. Who doesn’t? And the world of restaurant reviews has become quite unreliable these days…until our friends at The Infatuation came on the scene. We had the pleasure of sitting down the their Founder, Andrew Steinthal, to talk all things food, NYC Eeeats, denim, Cinderella, and all things Hip Daddy!
Tell us about your kids, what’s it like being a Dad?
I’ve got a three year old, Lily, she’s real into painting her nails purple, Cinderella, edamame, and saying “no.” Then I have a three month old, Eliot, he’s chillin, lives that good life: eat, sleep, shit, repeat. Parenthood brings out all the feelings. One minute you’re staring lovingly at your kids thinking you’re the luckiest guy in the world, the next, you’re curled up in the fetal position in a dark corner wondering how this is actually your life.
Talk to us about your parenting style.
My parenting style is follow my wife’s lead. She’s got this down. I just try to “support.” AKA change diapers, give baths, try and not get yelled at (by her), and simply not get in her way.
What’s the one thing you cannot live without as a Dad?
This an awful thing to say, but the truth is: my phone. I Facetime with my daughter twice a day. It keeps us in touch all day, which is awesome.
Hip Daddy is a big fan of the Infatuation. What’s the latest and greatest?
Things are going great at The Infatuation. We’re essentially building Zagat for the social media generation. If you need a restaurant recommendation in NY, LA, CHI, SF, DEN, or ATX, we got you. Lots more cities on the way too, including Boston, DC, Seattle etc. Business has been building really nicely, as we’re doing some great content and socially fueled partnerships with great brands like Viber (YEAH YEAH), American Express, Budweiser, Airbnb, Jameson etc.
Dining out with Daddy is always fun. What are your top 5 Kid Friendly spots in NYC?
Yeah, dining with Daddy is fun when your kid eats. My kid will pretty much only eat french fries or pasta with butter. That’s it, unless it’s dessert. Then she’ll eat anything. Our go to spots:
The Smith (Loud enough for kids to go nuts and not bother anyone, plenty of space for strollers, crayons).
Liquiteria (This kid loves both green juice and watermelon juice. Such a hipster)
Muzzarella (East Village slice shop, she loves the Broccoli & Chicken slice for some reason).
Crave Fishbar (She refuses to eat any of the fish, which is a shame, cause it’s great, but she goes HAM on their homemade cavatelli).
Westville (Chicken fingers and french fries for the win).
What’s your typical Hip Daddy weekend “uniform”?
Same as every other day. Paige Denim all day, every day.
For more on The Infatuation and Andrew, go to Instagram here and here. Check out their Viber Public Chat here too!