A good week , despite the horrid weather. Nonetheless, onward we go:
DwellStudios has great furniture for the kids, seek them out for a little weekend shopping.
Barry’s Bootcamp is a Hip Daddy Approved workout. Just go do it, and you will feel better about life.
Jack Purcell likes to smile, so go get their new apparel line.
Speaking of smiles, Poppin prides itself on Working Happy. Check them out and upgrade your office now.
And looking for something fun to do this weekend? Of course there is March Madness which is never boring (Champions in Boston is ideal location…great kids menu too), but also The Big Apple Circus is in town at City Hall Plaza- it’s LUMINOCITY —celebrate the vitality of life at the Crossroads of the World! Sounds fun. Buy tickets here.
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @hipdaddy1 for even more good stuff!
Happy Weekend.