Hip Daddy is a carefully curated lifestyle site for today’s Modern Dad. Our mission is to inform, empower, entertain and connect Dads worldwide. We are a complete online destination, providing the latest in style, tech, health, travel, music, toys, and much more. We provide you with the must-haves, must-knows and all resources/information necessary to being a relevant and informed Modern Dad. It’s hip to be a Dad.
We are a group of creative minded and business savvy Dads who are looking to inspire all things Fatherhood. We have over a decade of experience helping build, craft and drive some of the world’s most iconic brands as well as some of the most innovative start-ups. We now focus our attention on building the #1 online platform for Dads worldwide.
Our Space
Located in downtown Boston, MA, the Hip Daddy headquarters is an open environment, creative space that is most of all, kid-friendly.

Advisory Board
Coming soon.